The Shields Team

Ballots for the FOP elections are being mailed on February 4. We hope you vote for the Shields Team! This is who we are and what we stand for. Please take a moment to check us out!

Monday, January 10, 2011

The Shields Team for FOP - Our Platform

Pension Funding
Many officers consider the pension to be the most important issue we face today. The FOP has fallen asleep at the wheel on this issue as our funding ratio has plummeted to alarming levels. Sadly, the current FOP has played a role in the underfunding of the pension by forgiving the City for $23 million in pension contributions. Mike Shields is the only candidate that knows exactly what the challenges are to maintain the solvency of our pension fund. As Mayor Daley threatens to take these funds into bankruptcy court, so-called 'civic watchdog' groups propose draconian measures under the guise of reform, Mike stands prepared to defend against these threats. One major effort will be to push for a pension obligation bond to relieve the burden from the property tax levy.
Mike Shields knows exactly what the challenges are to maintain the solvency of our pension fund. He has worked tirelessly as a trustee and will continue at the FOP. Only Mike has spoken out on behalf of all officers-active and retired-regarding the financial well-being of our most valuable retirement asset - the pension fund. Mike helped educate reporters from major Chicago newspapers on the issues facing our fund and changed the tone of the debate from an anti-public employee viewpoint, to a realization that the problems plaguing our pension funds results directly from the City’s mismanagement.
As a trustee on your pension fund, Mike Shields has been an advocate against the City Hall-controlled investments. He has publicly challenged the pay-to-play type investment deals that previously went unchecked. Shields voted to comply with the Inspector General’s subpoena investigating fraud and corruption in the management of the City’s pension funds. He was the only trustee on ANY pension fund in the City of Chicago to do so. Mike has been persistent in his attempts to expose a pay-to-play pattern with Mayor Daley and City Treasurer Neely with such investment managers as Mayor Daley’s nephew. After City Treasurer Stephanie Neely threatened him with a libel lawsuit, Mike Shields did not back down. The entire Shields Team will continue to stand firm to ensure our hard-earned retirement benefits are undiminished, today and in the future.
The Shields Team will be a vigilant watchdog over our pension fund. The pension fund is one issue that affects all FOP members, therefore Mike Shields will maintain his position as Trustee on the fund. The pension is the primary benefit of our job. It is essential that the FOP administration have a deep understanding of the complexity of pension issues. The Shields Team vows against any pension reductions-ever.  There is no compromise on this issue.

Retirees Healthcare Renegotiation - 2013 Korshak Settlement
In 2013, we'll see a fight to maintain the current insurance rates for our retirees. The City is going to push for an increase in retirees' premiums and lessen the amount paid by the pension funds. The FOP leadership must be prepared to push back. Having four attorneys elected to go against the City of Chicago is pivotal to the safety and security of retirement healthcare. Jim McCarthy, Megan Whelehan Curry, Damon Stewart and Terry Collins are well prepared to assist our litigators.

Public Perception of the FOP
The FOP should function as the public voice of the officer on the street. Currently, there is no one speaking on our behalf. Whenever the Mayor or Superintendent speaks out against the police, there is simply no reaction from the FOP. When there is a matter of vital importance to the membership being debated in the media, the response from the FOP is typically silence or a poorly-worded letter to the editor—three days after the fact. In this era of mass-media and a 24-hour news cycle, there needs to be a prompt, professional, and multi-faceted response from the FOP on matters of importance to the Department and the membership. Mike Shields has excellent media-relations skills and a proven track-record of working with the media on stories benefiting the rank-and-file police.  Mike has proven himself to be a professional and articulate voice for our pension, we need him to be a voice for our FOP as well.

The Shields Team has come to a negotiated agreement with Pat Camden to be the spokesman for the FOP for shootings and other matters. As the Police Department’s former spokesman, Mr. Camden brings respect among the media and police alike. He also brings his vast media network and skills. Pat Camden excelled in demonstrating to the public in the wake of police-involved shootings that the officer was in fear of his life, often times staging the media at crime scenes where clear footage of the offender’s weapon was visible.

Mike Shields and Pat Camden will both work diligently to bring public opinion into our favor. Public opinion is crucial for any collective bargaining unit. The current FOP has lost this battle.  Their silence is deafening. Our union cannot strike or take job actions, however, we can change or garner support from the general public and influence the public’s perception of police officers.

Police Involved Shootings- A Need for Experienced Detectives at Your Shooting
There needs to be a clear, defined agreement between IPRA, FOP and the City regarding a 'cooling-off' time-period before any statement is given. Currently, there are inconsistencies. FOP reps are having some officers give statements while others are being sent to the hospital.  While an officer’s physical, psychological and emotional well-being are of paramount importance, the tactic of sending officers to the hospital for the sole purpose of  delaying or avoiding giving a statement can have catastrophic results in future depositions or court proceedings.

The OCIC (exempt in charge) is the main authority on when an officer can give a statement. The FOP reps who respond to the scene of officer-involved shootings should be experienced detectives who will properly direct the OCIC and IPRA and safeguard your rights during the conduct of their investigation. The FOP rep must stop the City and IPRA from changing rules from day to day. The FOP’s task at shootings is more than just ordering the pizza for the officers. It is to protect your future and your livelihood on the scene of a shooting. The Shields Team will send out one of three experienced violent crimes detectives – Danny Gorman A1 V/C, Saul Del Rivero Cold Case or Tim Murphy A2 V/C. The Shields Team will continue the use of legal counsel on scene when appropriate.

Our membership cannot afford another dismal contract.  The Shields Team will work tirelessly to gain improvements for our members.  A two-tiered pension system has been created requiring members hired after 2011 to average their pension calculation over eight years versus the current four years. The Shields Team will advocate a wage-compression system that applies the final step after 21 years. This will benefit the current member, the future member, and provide more funding to the pension fund for retirement.

The Shields Team will advocate for acceptable pay raises without lowering our insurance benefits anymore.  We are also dedicated to remedying the conflict of having to burn an additional half-hour each time an officer uses a baby furlough day or burn extra time to complete your furlough segment.  We invite the membership’s input as to those issues that are of greatest importance to you, and promise to make your priorities our priorities.

The dangerously-low manpower levels have caused safety issues in each and every district.  Officers on afternoons and midnights have been more prone to work alone than ever before.  This has become a standard operating procedure for the department that has gone unchecked, all at the expense of officer safety. Last year, nearly 500 officers retired, the same can be expected in 2011. The Shields Team will advocate that a minimum of 400 officers be hired per year over a three-year timeline.  On the street, we are the only ones looking out for each other.  With less officers out there, the dangers we already face are even greater.  Officer safety must no longer be compromised due to our depleted ranks.  From a bargaining standpoint, as our active membership decreases, so do our union dues, so does our influence and so does our ability to affect positive change for our membership.  There truly is strength in numbers.

Communication with the Membership
The current FOP has a serious communication problem. This is the year 2011! There are far too many complaints regarding lack of response from the current FOP officers’ e-mail system. FOP needs to use alternate sources of media rather than relying on the archaic newsletter. The newsletter delivers too little news, too late and too costly. The newsletter should be quarterly with more of FOP’s focus on e-mail alerts that actually inform the membership. Text message alerts can very easily be added to the website—a site that can withstand heavy viewing and is actually updated with announcements immediately. We need to be a union delivering accurate information to the membership instead of the lip-service we currently see.

In addition to the mode of communication, the current FOP’s communication problems extend to the message itself.  The Shields Team will guarantee one promise - THE TRUTH. There is far too much spin from the FOP. We are all coppers and can see right through this. FOP members need to be told accurate information from their union pertaining to legislation, the contract and others pivotal matters.
The Shields Team will provide quicker and more professional responses to officers regarding their inquiries.  We will also encourage more communication and suggestion from our membership. This is your union. The Shields Team wants to restore dignity to the FOP and make you proud to be a member of this great fraternal organization.

The department currently has two rulebooks, one for the chosen and one for the other 99% percent of the department.  The inconsistencies in discipline need to be corrected.  The department needs to stop changing the rules in the middle of the game.  Cases that make the news shall have no greater “rush to discipline” than ones that don’t.
The Shields Team will also fight against such employee tracking programs as the Behavioral Intervention System.  Currently, Sid Davis “represents” the officer in front of an assigned Sergeant during a BIS interview. We will send one of our FOP elected lawyers that is qualified to protect the officer’s best interests. The Shields Team will also challenge the qualifications of entry into such programs. Several years ago, nearly 600 officers were wrongly entered into the program. No action was then taken by the FOP.

Membership Education of the Contract and Grievance Process
Our team consists of highly-qualified, knowledgeable professionals.  They understand the particulars of the contract and can navigate through the grievance process.  Several of our team members are attorneys and have created power point presentations to conduct seminars for officers, to keep them well-informed on these issues.  Officers will be given a thorough explanation of both the contract and the grievance process.  We will also invite the number one violators of our contract - the Watch Commanders.  Presentations will be announced and conducted at various areas throughout the City.  The Shields Team wants the membership to know and more importantly, to exercise your rights.

FOP Liaison in the Superintendent’s Office
As management changes in our department, new policies are implemented without any input from FOP. Many times, these new policies violate the current contract causing the City to have to change back to their old policy. The Shields Team would like someone from the department appointed by the Superintendent as a liaison between the department and the union-outside of Management and Labor Affairs. This is a win-win for both the Department and the FOP. This position will foster the mutual cooperation between the Superintendent’s Office and the FOP to better serve the membership and the City.

FOP Needs To Become More Politically Active
The FOP will create a separate political action committee, with funds outside of the membership dues. This separate entity will avoid interfering with our not-for-profit status.  Both the FOP and the membership need to get involved.

In Cook County, very few judges have ever lost a retention vote.  One particular case is thanks to the FOP in 1986 when Judge Passarella was dumped due to the FOP’s action.  The FOP placed this message on television, radio, and the newspaper. The FOP sent the membership all over the County placing pamphlets on parked cars everywhere.  The FOP has lost that fervor. The Shields Team, if elected will spend every reasonable resource to have anti-police judges removed from the bench when theyare up for retention.  While we won’t be able to claim political victory on every issue, we must be able to flex our political muscle and ensure our voice is heard.  Politicians need to know that we are force to be reckoned with.

The State and Chicago Local Fire Unions sends out hundreds of their firemen to become active with those politicians that help their cause.  The Chicago FOP sends out no one. The Fire Unions historically have won benefits two years prior to the FOP.  We need to be more generous with our time and our pocketbook in politics.

Policemen are often treated under the law as second-class citizens. The Illinois State Statute creating a residency restriction for municipalities greater than 500,000 is a law that we should be challenging through the legislative branch.  There is no greater time to push for the residency ban to be lifted than right now. The Shields Team will push to have the City to agree to have the Illinois State Legislature lift this residency restriction. Otherwise, we will send our lobbyists to tackle this issue in Springfield.  If the City or the Legislature will not concede, we must negotiate at the bargaining table to be compensated for living in the City of Chicago.

The current FOP leadership claims to have transparency. There are questionable actions for which no one in the FOP office will answer. The current FOP treasurer has been removed from the FOP office by President Donahue, yet he is still handling our money! No one at the FOP will address the issue of why. An attorney was fired by the FOP shortly after requesting a maternity leave. A subsequent lawsuit resulted in an undisclosed settlement, yet even the elected FOP board trustees aren’t privileged with this information. Also, why has the FOP removed allof the arbitration information from their website during this election? Finally, the trustees are not even allowed to have a copy of the FOP office’s budget. Immediately after a vote on the budget, the trustees must hand back the redacted copy of the budget after approval. We elect these board members as trustees, yet the inside FOP officers will not entrust their own trustees with such information.

These shady practices must end. The Shields team will practice true transparency. We vow to always keep the board and the broader membership appraised of our actions and decisions so that we may be held accountable for those actions and decisions.

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